Are your customers telling you the whole truth?
Create a “Culture of Excellence” with GuildQuality – Part 1: Sow the Seeds of Success
January 11th, 2016 byThere have always been and will always be spotty tradesmen that give our industry a bad rap. These companies usually don’t stay in business long, and one of the main reasons is they lack the passion for true customer satisfaction.
Home professionals who value their customers deserve to be recognized for their outstanding work. This is the creed that started GuildQuality 13 years ago alongside our goal to help the best building professionals become even better. Our members realize success through GuildQuality in many different ways, but our Creating a “Culture of Excellence” series will touch on the core fundamentals.
Part 1: Sow the Seeds of Success
What better place to begin our series than with the people that make up your company?
Getting the entire team involved in customer satisfaction is an important piece of the foundation for a culture built on success. Unless you’re a one person rodeo, your customers aren’t speaking to just the owner. A multitude of hands touch and influence any given job, helping guide it along throughout the entire process. Your sales team brings the business through the door, designers breathe life into the concept, customer care personnel field questions and complaints, and project managers and lead installers see that the job itself is done right. As a best practice, anyone who plays a part in making the project a reality should have access to what your customers are saying. Guildmembers have the ability to add unlimited users to their account because we understand how important it is for your entire team to be in the loop.
One of our members, Caleb McCaleb from McCaleb Homes, says it perfectly: “I want everyone in our company to receive every single survey that [GuildQuality] reports.. we are trying to create a culture of Raving Fan Customer Service and I want every team member in our company to see them first hand.” Having everyone involved in your account not only promotes clarity, it’s also a chance to collectively learn from your performance and validate a job well done.
For those truly committed to success, it goes beyond simply keeping a finger on the pulse of your work. Fully investing your team in the client’s experience can turn a sound business practice into a complete rejuvenation of company philosophy. “GuildQuality is a way of life”, notes member Billy Gavigan of Gavigan Construction. “The competition who doesn’t bother to hold themselves to the high standard can easily be recognized.”
There’s never a bad time to start sowing the seeds of success in your company and we’re here to help. Parts 2-5 of our series will take a deeper dive into how different members of your team can get involved in the customer satisfaction process and how they’ll benefit from having access to customer feedback. We’ll focus on sales, marketing, operations, and customer support, so be on the lookout for Part 2.
If you’d like to add more team members to your GuildQuality account, discuss a game plan on how to get your company more involved, or learn more about how surveying your customers can help create a culture of excellence at your company, let’s talk about it!