What's your recommendation rate with your customers?
As of tomorrow morning, your Scorecard will offer you a new way to monitor trends in your performance.
Previously, you could track what percentage of your customers were happy or very happy, and you could separately track what percentage were unhappy. Now, you can use an index (working title: “GuildQuality Index” or “GQI”) to present a representation that also gives weight to the percentage of folks who are unhappy.
The GQI presents the percentage of your answers that are “4” minus the percentage that are “0,” “1,” or “2.”
From a trend reporting perspective, using the GQI rather than a “Percentage of answers that were 4 (Strongly Agree)” accentuates your changes over time, just as using a “Percentage of answers that were 4” accentuates your changes in performance relative to using a “Percentage of answers that were 3 or 4.”
It is also useful to segment your customers based on those who are your biggest fans versus those who aren’t as enthusiastic. Of note, simultaneous with this improvement, we are introducing a social media feature that helps our members to deepen their connection with their biggest advocates via social networks and consumer rating sites.
This enhancement comes on the heels of expanded exporting features and better sort functionality in the Scorecard.