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The home builder’s quick start guide to video marketing
December 15th, 2020 byThis is Not Normal
Over the last several months, we’ve all heard the phrase “the new normal” too many times to count. However, nothing about the current state of the world is normal. In fact, the global pandemic we are all experiencing is unprecedented in our lifetimes, which means it is more than okay if we’re struggling to adjust and/or cope.
Knowing that many, if not all, businesses are facing unique, unfamiliar challenges, we sat down with Marin Ryles, Marketing Coordinator at Better Builders, a GuildQuality member and Seattle-based residential large-scale remodeling and construction company, to learn about how they’ve adapted to the changing situation during the pandemic.
Like many of us, contractors have also experienced Zoom fatigue after spending hours and hours on video with both staff and clients.
In an attempt to combat this, as well as boost search engine optimization (SEO), the Better Builders team used the time they had while they were shut down and working remotely to do something they had always wanted to: record a series of videos about their business that prospective customers could watch on their own time.
Creating Video Resources
You might assume that this was an expensive project, but to create their design/build video series, Better Builders actually used DIY techniques. They prepared scripts and hopped on Zoom to record the videos. Typically running through two or three takes for each section, the team got good at recovering from mistakes, pausing for a breath, and starting again. Marin even learned iMovie on the fly to edit the videos.
To put a face to their company and build a personal connection with prospective customers, the first video they made was about the company owners, Bill and Pete. Other videos were about their remodeling process, their design partner, Housewarming, and the environmentally-conscious materials and finishes they use for each and every project.
“[Homeowners] can look at beautiful projects all day long, but they only care about that so much; they want to know who they’re dealing with.”
Once they were happy with their final product, it was time to promote their hard work! Better Builders posted each video to their YouTube channel, their website, in blog posts, and on all their social media platforms. Their design partner that helped them make some videos also shared the videos on social media as well. As a result, their YouTube viewership grew tremendously. One of their most popular videos has over 5,500 views!
A stronger digital presence isn’t the only thing Better Builders accomplished, however. Their cost-effective videos have proven to be an excellent educational resource for prospective clients, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the company and their remodeling process. Now, homeowners can get to know Better Builders through the videos in a low-pressure way, from the comfort of their own home, before scheduling a meeting.
“I think [the videos have] been good for people who were still in that early consideration phase and maybe weren’t really sure what they were going to be getting themselves into or if they had more specific questions.”
Internally, the videos have also had an impact. Not only did the team have fun and learn new skills while making them, but they also got to learn more about company processes outside of their department and scope of work.
For example, the production team only sees the finished sales and design package when it’s time to build. Through the videos, they learned more about the beginning of the process, before the project reaches their hands. Teaching all of your team members about what happens in other departments can lead to new, innovative solutions, improve coordination, and increase respect among coworkers.
After realizing the value each video provided both internally and externally, Better Builders hired a professional to shoot and produce three more.
Adapting and Growing
As we’ve learned from Better Builders, while the current situation we find ourselves in is not normal, there is potential to develop new and better ways of doing business. Contractors across the country are adapting by implementing new techniques for doing business, communicating with clients, and keeping staff and clients safe. Some new methods and practices will turn into lasting changes to the way businesses operate.
About Better Builders
Check out a few images from their recent projects:
To learn more about Better Builders, click here or visit their GuildQuality profile.