What's your recommendation rate with your customers?
Over the past few decades, and especially since the start of the pandemic, there has been an evolution in customer satisfaction. The global economy has transformed into a more customer-centric and service-oriented one, requiring businesses to follow this trend or risk falling behind the market. The rapid rise of e-commerce has also indicated the importance of establishing an online presence.
With this universal shift of highly valued customer service, businesses can turn to several different tactics to show that they not only care about their customers but want to learn from their experiences as well. In the home building, remodeling, and services industry, customer satisfaction surveys are a great way to demonstrate your commitment to quality.
Benefits of Customer Satisfaction Surveys
There are several benefits to conducting customer satisfaction surveys to elevate your business:
- They can build rapport with customers, showcasing that you value your customer’s opinions and welcome their candid feedback. Additionally, when issues highlighted in a customer’s response are promptly addressed, they could lead to increased word-of-mouth referrals as the customer will feel heard and taken care of.
- They can fix underperforming areas and improve the technicians’ service. These surveys offer opportunities for your business to make it right and keep the customer on your side. This also provides a basis for you to make informed decisions from data-driven results.
- Customer satisfaction surveys allow you to understand what processes are working. Without tracking trends within your customer data, your business could risk potentially ruining a good component with blind changes. This data allows you to build upon your best practices and target new customers with your differentiated service.
- With survey data, you are able to track company-wide and team member-specific progress over time. By tracking and measuring customer surveys consistently, you can benchmark overall performance at the company, team, or even the individual level. Learn how one GuildQuality member utilizes this feature, here.
- It’s an important component in order to compete with your peers. Conducting customer surveys is another way to set your business apart from the competition and attract more customers.
How GuildQuality Helps With Customer Satisfaction Surveys
GuildQuality can provide your business with the proper tools to conduct customer satisfaction surveys and learn directly from your customers what’s working, and what isn’t.
We can send surveys directly before, during, and/or after each service for convenience and consistency. And we ensure a high response rate and consistent professionalism with proactive outreach and a dedicated team of survey professionals. Our surveys are completely customizable, so the values that are most important to your business are highlighted.
With GuildQuality, our platform allows for easily measurable results, so you can make sense of the data and come to clear and concise conclusions about your work. We recently introduced an industry-standard scoring system by launching Net Promoter Score (NPS) as an option for your surveys. NPS is a tool that measures customer loyalty, enthusiasm, and satisfaction by telling you who among your customers is a promoter of your business, whose a detractor, and who is passive about the experience they received. It’s easy to understand and implement into your surveys, so your business can reach its highest potential!
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