What's your recommendation rate with your customers?
The best homebuilders, remodelers, and home services contractors understand and respect the influence their customers have on the long-term success of their business. With the help of social media and online review sites, a customer’s experience with your company can go viral. Now more than ever, it’s important to be proactive with your customers and evaluate the type of experience they had with your company.
Determining whether your clients are truly satisfied with your work isn’t easy. In order to get an unbiased assessment of your performance, it’s critical to remove yourself from the equation and invite a third party to gather customer feedback on your behalf.
Fostering trust
Conducting surveys for your customers is mutually beneficial. For your customers, surveys show that you value their opinions and welcome candid feedback. With the industry-wide emphasis on customer satisfaction, customers are likelier to choose a company that has acquired a large collection of positive reviews. Especially in the home services industry, a reputable, trustworthy brand is required for customers to feel safe inviting businesses into their homes.
As for your business, surveys have a variety of benefits as well. Surveys provide useful data from your customers that can tell you what’s going well in your business as well as what areas need improvement. This means you can also train and improve your employees more efficiently according to the customers’ feedback.
Our Process
Surveying your customers through GuildQuality can help you better understand your company’s strengths and weaknesses and improve the quality of your service. GuildQuality uses a proven, multi-touch survey process to gather feedback from homeowners. On your behalf, we reach out to your customers through email, phone, and text messaging.
We can send surveys directly before, during, and/or after each service for convenience and consistency. We also ensure a high response rate and consistent professionalism with proactive outreach and a dedicated team of survey professionals. Our surveys are completely customizable, so the values that are most important to your business are highlighted.
With GuildQuality, our platform allows for easily measurable results, so you can make sense of the data, come to clear and concise conclusions about your work, and ultimately improve your business!
If you’d like to learn more about how GuildQuality’s survey process can help your business and improve your customer experience, click here!