What's your recommendation rate with your customers?
I’m writing to share with you some details about a new initiative we have in the works, and to request your help in spreading the word. We call it GuildQuality Crew.
Way back in the late 1990s, when I first began thinking about GuildQuality, but well before starting the company, I wrote down a mission for our business: To elevate the stature of this industry to a level commensurate with its importance.
With the launch of GuildQuality in 2003, we began our work, and we’ve stayed laser focused on our mission for nearly 13 years. In that time, we’ve helped thousands of builders, remodelers, and home improvement companies deliver exceptional customer experiences and get the recognition they deserve for their commitment to quality.
Why GuildQuality Crew?
To date, we’ve pursued our mission by helping businesses, and we’re now ready to expand our attention to the individual. There are hundreds of thousands of accomplished people working—largely unrecognized and uncelebrated—on job sites all over North America. They are talented professionals with their own personal commitment to quality, and we’re now ready to celebrate those great people and their great work.
We call this new endeavor GuildQuality Crew, and I’d like to request your help in launching it. If successful, but the end of 2016, we’ll be able to shine a bright light on the talented people working in our industry.
Become a part of GuildQuality Crew
If you’d like to take part in this initiative, please nominate our industry’s skilled trades, dedicated laborers, and accomplished artisans for their exceptional skills.
To nominate someone, simply enter their name and email address, list the areas where they do exceptional work (trim carpentry, masonry, exterior painting, etc), and send them your endorsement. If you’re not logged into your GuildQuality account, you’ll be prompted to do so (or you can create an account if you don’t already have one).
Once they accept your endorsement, they’ll have a profile on GuildQuality Crew (here’s mine). With it, they can build out their portfolio with additional skills, pictures, and locations where they’ve worked. They’ll also be able to endorse the work of their colleagues. And with enough participation, we’ll have built a platform that celebrates the great skills and accomplishments of everyone in our industry.
I would greatly appreciate your help in launching GuildQuality Crew. In addition to endorsing the great work of others, you can also update your own profile, and begin receiving endorsements from your colleagues.
If you’d like to learn more about GuildQuality Crew, we put together a short overview for you.